Samantha Wilkinson, Development Manager

A development the size of Manydown needs to draw on a wide range of expertise from structural engineers to landscape architects. Everyone has an important role to play in ensuring Manydown is a connected, healthy and friendly community that benefit its residents, neighbours and the natural world.

As Master Developer, we take the lead on construction of the new community, putting social infrastructure such as schools and other community facilities in place early and preparing the site for house builders to deliver homes efficiently. We oversee the planning, design and delivery of the entire site, working with like-minded partners and focusing on making a place for the long-term. So, we need the very best people, working together to make this happen. 

It was this long-term approach and the opportunity that Manydown will bring to the region that attracted Samantha Wilkinson to the project.

As Development Manager, Samantha is working with the wider team, our partners, suppliers and our local communities to make sure the development continues to move forward in a smooth and efficient way.

“Creating a community is so much more than building houses, it’s about providing schools, green spaces and opportunities for people to thrive. Being here from the beginning and seeing it through to implementation, with a focus on forming a place that people are proud to call home and which benefits the wider community, is what interests me the most.
Being able to implement such a large development, considering not only the number of homes being delivered but the non-residential space, the vast countryside park and multi-functional green space, in a location within close proximity to Basingstoke centre, is a unique and hugely interesting role. The geography and location of the Manydown site provides us with a great opportunity to create a place where people want to be – it’s very exciting.”

Samantha previously worked for HS2 Ltd where she worked on the promotion of land for development immediately above, below, and adjacent to the main stations on the HS2 line in London, Birmingham and Manchester. 


She focussed mainly on readying those sites for development, which aligns well with our current position on the Manydown project.

“I’d like to say that the development of complex strategic sites is my comfort zone!” Samantha added. “My previous experience was centred around ensuring quality of place was embedded from the get-go and established throughout the entire lifecycle of the development. It is rare a site of this scale, location and most importantly opportunity is available – I’m proud to bring my experience to Manydown and to be working with the planners, housebuilders and the community; both existing and new, to deliver a place people can be proud of.”

CGI view of Manydown parks and woodland

“I’ve also recently achieved a career milestone by becoming a Chartered Surveyor, which will bring a good grounding of skills and knowledge to Manydown. But what makes my role as Development Manager more interesting, and fulfilling is engaging with Manydown’s stakeholders, understanding what their needs and wishes are, and seeing through their eyes what sort of place Basingstoke is and wants to become.
This is a really exciting project, and I am very proud to be a part of it – Manydown will offer its residents and the wider communities so much.”