Your questions answered

The outline planning application set the main principles of delivering a new community of up to 3,520 new homes, 250-acres of countryside park, two primary schools with land reserved for a potential secondary school, two local centres, businesses, shops and community facilities.

The development will provide a mix of homes for sale at property market prices and affordable housing. This is proposed to include one, two, three, four and five-bedroom homes comprising both houses and flats to allow for a wide range of choice and opportunity.

Led by master developer Urban&Civic, the Manydown Development Vehicle is the partnership responsible for delivering the project and comprises Urban&Civic, Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council, Hampshire County Council, and The Wellcome Trust.

A master developer takes the lead on construction of the new community, putting social infrastructure such as schools and other community facilities in place early and preparing the site for house builders to deliver homes efficiently. They oversee the planning, design and delivery of the entire site, working with like-minded partners and focusing on making a place for the long-term.

With outline planning consent secured and the land deal finalised, infrastructure works will start on site in January 2025 to build the access junctions needed to allow the delivery of Manydown.

We expect to see the first residents moving into Manydown by the end of 2027.

Ahead of construction work commencing on homes, schools and other community facilities, infrastructure work is necessary to give access to the site. This work includes the permanent site access junctions, drainage, water and electricity connections and ground preparation. The works required to create the roads and junctions (infrastructure) will ensure appropriate access to the site.

The first access point will be built in the area where the first homes are delivered. Urban&Civic, acting as development manager, has outlined its approach to start delivering Manydown from Worting Road and off the Roman Road by Winklebury Way. To enable this work to take place construction access junctions will be built at Roman Way and on the Roman Road from January 2025.

Whilst we are working hard to minimise the impact, developing a new place like Manydown will inevitably cause some disruption to local communities during its construction.

In the longer them, we understand that residents might be concerned about the volume of additional traffic, but we expect that construction traffic will add one additional journey for every 60 existing journeys.
Additionally to maintain the flow of local traffic we will:

  • Give clear route directions to construction traffic not to use local residential roads and to follow a one way route onto local main roads, entering and exiting the site via the A339 (Kingsclere Road).
  • Install right turn filter lanes at dedicated construction traffic access points, allowing traffic to pass any vehicles waiting to turn into the site.

We appreciate traffic disruption can be frustrating for local communities. We want to know of any issues so we can resolve them as quickly as possible. You can contact us at

You can get in touch with us through our:

– Dedicated Manydown support email
– Freephone Number
– Public Consultation and events

Manydown is the new community of up to 3,520 homes in northwest Basingstoke. Infrastructure works will start in January 2025.
For more information about the southern part of the councils’ remaining Manydown land visit

Landscape and open green spaces are essential elements in the vision for Manydown. Spaces for people to enjoy, as well as trees planted along streets and areas that can support a variety of natural habitats, are essential to creating a successful community where people want to live. Approximately a third of the site area will be made up of these green areas, including the countryside park, which will be complemented by neighbourhood parks, squares, verges and other public areas and smaller open spaces, as well as gardens and playing fields.

Manydown will host a number of habitats, users and uses. We will ensure all ‘inhabitants’ are considered and find their place at Manydown through our close work with the project’s landscape architects and environmental specialists.

Biodiversity net gain and low carbon delivery are principles underpinning the way we will approach the delivery of Manydown. We will be working with housebuilders to bring forward plans that will drive high standards for environmental sustainability using industry best practices and expertise.

Responding to the climate emergency declared by both councils, streets and green spaces will be well connected whether walking or cycling. The new homes at Manydown will be designed to achieve high environmental standards including energy and water saving.

Forty percent of new homes at Manydown will be affordable housing with a tenure split of 70% for rent and 30% intermediate products, including shared ownership opportunities. This is in line with the Basingstoke and Deane Local Plan.

Further information on the proposed housing mix for each phase of development will be provided as part of future more detailed planning applications.